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Tellin Shells

The Tellinidae, a family of marine bivalve mollusks belonging to the order Cardiida, are commonly referred to as tellins. They inhabit soft sediments in shallow seas, residing at considerable depths and respiring through extended siphons that extend to the sediment's surface.

Tellinids possess rounded or oval, elongated shells that are significantly flattened. Their two valves are joined by a large external ligament. They feature two distinct siphons that are exceptionally lengthy, often extending several times beyond the length of the shell itself. At the base of these siphons is a characteristic cruciform muscle.

Scientific classification

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Bivalvia

Order: Cardiida

Superfamily: Tellinoidea


Blainville, 1814

(REF: Bouchet, P. (2012). Tellinidae. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species)(REF: Barrett, J. H. and C. M. Yonge, 1958. Collins Pocket Guide to the Sea Shore.)(REF: Glen Pownall, New Zealand Shells and Shellfish, Seven Seas Publishing Pty Ltd, Wellington, New Zealand 1979)

Sunrise Tellina

Sunsrise Tellin

Tellina radiata, also known as the sunrise tellin, is a species of bivalve mollusk belonging to the family Tellinidae.

The shell of Tellina radiata can grow up to 4 inches in length. These bivalves have shells that are yellowish-white or pale pink, featuring a smooth and glossy exterior. They display a diverse pattern of pinkish-brown bands that radiate from the hinge to the margin. These bivalves typically reside buried in sandy substrates.

The sunrise tellin is present in Eastern North America, ranging from the Caribbean Sea, Colombia, and Cuba to the Gulf of Mexico, Jamaica, and as far southeast as Barbados. These filter-feeding bivalves are found in marine and estuarine environments.

Scientific classification

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Bivalvia

Order: Cardiida

Family: Tellinidae

Genus: Tellina

Species: Tellina radiata

Binomial name: Tellina radiata

Linnaeus, 1758


One Sunrise Tellin pair 1 3/8 to 2 inches......OUT OF STOCK

Pink Tellin Shells
Pink Tellin Pairs PT1-11

Pink Tellin Shells

The Pink Tellin, scientifically known as Tellina Lineata, is commonly referred to as the Rose Petal Tellin. It features a broadly ovate shape with a rounded front end and a narrowed back. The umbones are positioned behind the middle, with a low ridge extending from the umbones to the lower angle of the hind end. Notably, the ridge on the left valve is lower than that on the right.

The exterior of the Pink Tellin is typically white, frequently marked with yellow or pink rays near the umbones, or it may be deeply suffused with pink. The shell's interior is usually pinkish white or white, and some specimens exhibit blotches of pink or yellow.

The most robust part of the shell is the lower front end. The right valve features two triangular central teeth and a strong lateral tooth on each side. Conversely, the left valve possesses a single central tooth and one feeble tooth on the posterior side.

.Pink Tellins favor sandy regions close to the low-tide mark and are found at depths reaching 60 feet. Their range spans from Northern Florida, across the Gulf of Mexico to Texas, and continues southward through the Caribbean to Brazil's northern coastline.


A Pink Tellin shell Pair 1 1/4 to 2.5 inches....... .42


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