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Sundial Shells

Sundail Shells

Architectonica maxima, also known as the giant sundial, belongs to the family Architectonicidae and is a species of marine gastropod mollusk. These creatures are commonly referred to as staircase shells or sundials.

The Architectonica maxima, known for its shell spanning 0.75 to 3.25 inches, is the largest in the sundial family. Its shell features a low spire and a flattened profile adorned with a beaded texture. A spiral groove carves the shoulder slope into two distinct ribs. Its primary color is cream, accented with brown spots.

TThis species is distributed across the Indo-Pacific region, ranging from East Africa and the Persian Gulf to the western Pacific, including Japan, eastern Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, and Hawaii.

The giant sundial, a carnivorous deep-water sea snail, resides on sandy patches and muddy sublittoral bottoms near soft corals, typically found at depths ranging from 1/3 to 11 inches.

Scientific classification

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Gastropoda

Family: Architectonicidae

Genus: Architectonica

Species: Architectonica maxima

Binomial name: Architectonica maxima

(Philippi, 1849)

(REF: Bieler R, Bouchet P, Gofas S, Marshall B, Rosenberg G, La Perna R, Neubauer TA, Sartori AF, Schneider S, Vos C, ter Poorten JJ, Taylor J, Dijkstra H, Finn J, Bank R, Neubert E, Moretzsohn F, Faber M, Houart R, Picton B, Garcia-Alvarez O (eds.). "Architectonica maxima (R. A. Philippi, 1849)". MolluscaBase. World Register of Marine Species.)(REF: Poutiers, J. M. (1998). "Gastropods". In Carpenter, K. E.; Niem, V. H. (eds.). The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific Volume 1. Seaweeds, corals, bivalves and gastropods. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. Vol. 1. Rome: )


A Sundail Shell measuring 3/4 to 1 1/4 inches ...... .26


A Sundail Shell measuring 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 inches ...... .35


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