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Candy Snail Shells


These candy snails were gathered near the Philippines. They prefer tropical waters near rocky shores. Scientific name is Littoridae Tectarius Coronatus.


A Candy Snail measuring 1/2 to 3/4 inch...... .35

Yellow Land Snail


The Yellow Land Snail is in the family Cepaea Memoralis. It prefers forests in tropical regions, specifically the Indonesian area. These are a light weight shell popular with collectors and crafters.


A Yellow Land Snail measuring up to 1 inch...... .19

Japanese Land Snail


These Japanese land snails are from the Islands of Japan that feature over 200 different species of land snails. This species features alternating white and tan horizontal bands. A simple yet beautiful shell. They are light weight. Each shell measures approximately 2 to 2 1/2" in overall length with openings ranging between 1/2 to 3/4" in diameter. Excellent for smaller hermit crabs or an additional decoration for your tank.


A Japanese Land Snail measuring 2 to 3 inches...... .30

Haition Tree Snail


Haitian Tree Snails [also called "Candy Striped" or "Rainbow" shells] (Liguus virgineus, family Orthalidone) -commonly found in Cuba. This is a colorful land snail. A snail that is popular among crafters and those wanting to decorate their tanks.


A Haitian Tree Snail measuring 1 to 2 inches ...... .24

Assorted Land Snails


These are Assorted Land Snail shells from the tropical regions of the world. They are great for crafters and decorations for tanks. All light wieght shells.


An Assorted Land Snail Shell, measuring 1 to 2 inches ...... .13

Fernandezi Snail Shells


Scientific name Calliostoma fernandezi These are perfect land snail shells for hermit crabs (shell opening about 1/2 inch), craft projects or decorating your tank. All light wieght shells.


A Fernandezi Snail Shell measuring 1 to 2 inches ...... .17

Brown Land Snails


The Brown Land Snail has spiralling bands of tan and white highlighting this popular shell. It is perfect for smaller hermit crabs. Each shell measures approximately 3/4" to 1-1/2" overall with an opening of approximately 2/8" to 1/2" in diameter. The shell is also great for decorating tanks or craft projects.


A Brown Land Snail typically measures between 1 to 1 1/2 inches..... .12

Muffin Snails


Ryssota ovum, common name, the polished muffin, is a species of large air-breathing land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Helicarionidae. It is endemic to the Philippines, where it is known locally as bayuku or bayoko. It is edible and is considered a delicacy.

Ryssota ovum is endemic to the Philippines, mainly in Luzon and in the island of Panay.

Ryssota ovum can normally be found underneath forest leaves and branches at the buttresses of tree. This species depends on moisture for survival. So it is abundant during the rainy season, while in the dry season it is present only in damp areas or in cool places.

The Ryssota ovum species is the largest land snail found in the Philippines. Its shells can attain diameters ranging from 2.8 to 3.9 inches. The color of these substantial shells varies from pale brown to maroon, often featuring a brighter apex. They have a wide aperture, with an interior that may appear white or bluish-white.

The Ryssota ovum is a nocturnal species. With the onset of darkness, these terrestrial snails become active and feed on decomposing forest matter. As dawn breaks, they retreat and conceal themselves within the forest detritus. Their natural camouflage allows them to blend seamlessly into the soil at the base of trees, amidst roots, decayed branches, fallen leaves, and weathered rocks.

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Gastropoda

(unranked): clade Heterobranchia

clade Euthyneura

clade Panpulmonata

clade Eupulmonata

clade Stylommatophora

informal group Sigmurethra

clade limacoid clade

Superfamily: Helicarionoidea

Family: Helicarionidae

Genus: Ryssota

Species: R. ovum

Binomial name: Ryssota ovum

(Valenciennes, 1854)

(REF: "Species Ryssota ovum - Hierarchy - The Taxonomicon". Jimson S. Solatre A promising component in Philippine agroforestry: a land snail called bayuku (Ryssota ovum)(REF: "WMSD - Worldwide mollusc species DB - Ryssota otaheitana". Paul Bartsch: A Synopsis of the Philippine Land Mollusks of the Subgenus Ryssota. In: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington Vol. 51,)


A Muffin Land Snail measuring 2 1/2 to 3 inches...... .49

Bee Hive Snail Shells

Bee Hive Snail Shells


The Bee Hive Snail Shell can measure up to half an inch........ .14

Common Snail Anatomy

Common Snail Anatomy by Jeff Dahl

Oblong Yellow Land Snail

Oblong Yellow Land Snail Shells

A land snail refers to any of the numerous species of snails that reside on land, as opposed to those in saltwater or freshwater. Land snails possess a robust muscular foot and utilize mucus to navigate over uneven surfaces, which also helps prevent their soft bodies from desiccating. Similar to other mollusks, land snails feature a mantle and one or two pairs of tentacles atop their head. Their internal anatomy comprises a radula and a basic brain. Reproductively, most land snails are hermaphroditic, possessing a complete set of both male and female organs, and typically deposit clutches of eggs into the soil. Tiny snails emerge from these eggs with a diminutive shell already formed, which spirally enlarges as their soft body parts grow. A diverse array of vertebrates and invertebrates predate on land snails. Humans also consume them across various cultures globally, and in some regions, they are even cultivated on farms for food.

In their natural habitat, snails consume a diverse range of foods. While most terrestrial snails are herbivores, there are species that are omnivorous or even predatory carnivores. The typical diet for land snails may consist of leaves, stems, soft bark, fruits, vegetables, fungi, and algae. Certain species are known to harm agricultural crops and garden plants, which is why they are sometimes considered pests.

Land snails protect themselves from predators by retracting their soft parts into their shells when resting, and some even bury themselves. They face many natural predators, including various land vertebrates such as thrushes and hedgehogs. Invertebrates like decollate snails, ground beetles, leeches, and the predatory caterpillar Hyposmocoma molluscivora also prey on them. The pulmonate marsh snail, Succinea putris, is host to a parasitic flatworm, Leucochloridium paradoxum, which inhibits the snail from retracting its swollen, parasitized eye stalk, making it more visible and likely to be consumed by birds, the flatworm's ultimate host. Additionally, humans present significant threats to wild snails through pollution and habitat destruction, leading to the extinction of many snail species in recent years.

The lifespan of terrestrial snails differs among species. In their natural habitat, Achatinidae snails have a lifespan of approximately 5 to 7 years, while Helix snails typically live for 2 to 3 years. Predation and parasitism are common causes of mortality. However, in captivity, snails can live significantly longer, with lifespans extending from 10 to 15 years for various species, and some even reaching up to 25 years.

(REF: Welter Schultes, F. "Species summary for Helix pomatia". AnimalBase. Retrieved 25 November 2015.)(REF: Heller, J. (1990). "Longevity in Molluscs". Malacologia. 31)(REF:Welter Schultes, F. "Species summary for Helix pomatia". AnimalBase. Retrieved 25 November 2015.)(REF: Stringer, I.A.N.; Brennan, K.E.C.; Moir, M.L.; Parrish, G.R.; Majer, J.D.; Herley, G.H. (2003). "Population structure, growth and longevity of Placostylus hongii (Pulmonata: Bulimulidae) on Tawhiti Rahi Island, Poor Knights Islands, New Zealand". Pacific Conservation Biology. 9)


An Oblong Yellow Land Snail measuring up to 2 inches... .56

Stripe Land Snail Shell


A Stripe Land Snail measuring up to 3/4 inch... .21

Brown Stripped Land Snail SS1-57

Brown Stripped Land Snails


A Brown Stripped Land Snail measuring up to 1 1/2 inches..... .70

Yellow Bubble Snails

Yellow Bubble Snails


A Yellow Bubble Snail measuring 1 1/2 to 2 inches... $1.10

Flamingo Tongue Snail

Flamingo Tongue Snail


A Flamingo Tongue Snail can measure up to 1.25 inches. ... .25


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