Your shipping rate is an estimate based on estimated product & package weight. Sometimes the computer over estimates the shipping cost and on occasion it can under estimate. When your order is packaged and the actual shipping cost is calculated you will be charged the true cost. Any excess freight charges will be refunded when your order is shipped. We now ship internationally. We use UPS & FEDEX only for international shipping Thank you for interest in Shells of Aquarius. Dan & Jeri Ann.


Capiz Napkin Ring w/Pearls

Capiz Napkin Ring with Pearls

These rings are hand crafted from natural capiz shells with flower inset and pearl cluster.


One Capiz Napkin Ring with Flower and Pearl cluster Center measuring 2 inches..... $1.95

Capiz Napkin Ring Gold

Capiz Napkin Ring with Gold Trim

These napkin rings are all hand crafted from capiz shells with gold trim.


A Capiz shell Napkin Ring with Gold trim measuring 2 inches...... $1.19

Capiz Napkin Ring with Silver Trim

Capiz Napkin Ring with Silver Trim

These Shell rings are all hand crafted from capiz shells with silver trim.


One Capiz Shell Napkin Ring with Silver Trim measuring 2 inches...…$1.10

Silver Turbo Napkin Ring

Silver Turbo Napkin Ring

These Turbo shells are polished hand crafted shells molded into fine quality Napkin Rings.


A Polished Silver Turbo Napkin Ring measuring 2 inches...... . .95

Tiger Cowrie Napkin Ring

Tiger Cowrie Napkin Ring

The Tiger Cowrie Shell Napkin Ring is hand crafted from all natural shell.


A Tiger Cowrie Napkin Ring measuring 2 inches...… .95

Carved Tiger Cowrie Napkin Ring

Carved Tiger Cowrie Shell Napkin Ring

hese are Tiger Cowrie shells hand carved into a crafted ring design, each having its own distinctive pattern. They are only sold assorted.


A Hand Carved Tiger Cowrie Napkin ring measuring 2 inches..... .59

Paua Napkin Rings

Paua Napkin Ring

Paua Napkin rings are all natural hand crafted inlaid piece by piece.


One Natural Paua Napkin Ring measuring 1 3/4 inches..... $2.45

Cocoa Napkin Ring

Cocoa Napkin Ring

Cocoa Napkin Ring are made from polished natural coconuts


One Cocoa Napkin Ring made from natural polished coconuts measuring 1 3/4 inches...... $2.10

Troca Napkin Ring

Troca Napkin Ring

Natural Mother of pearl Shell Inlaid by hand.


A Troca Napkin Ring, the Mother of Pearl is hand inlaid measures 1 3/4 inches...... $2.35

Murex Napkin Rings

Polished Murex Napkin Ring


A Polished Murex Napkin Ring measuring 2 1/2 inches..... $1.50

np dk blue white 101

Embroidered Dark Blue Napkin with White Seahorse Design

Machine embroidered Dark Blue linen 18 x 18 inch napkin. All designs are embroidered by our Shells of Aquarius seamstress, in the Clearwater, Fl area.


An embroidered 18x18 inch Dark Blue Linen napkin with Seahorse design...... $3.50

Embroidered Dark Blue Napkin with a filled White Seahorse Design

Machine embroidered Dark Blue linen 18 x 18 inch napkin. All designs are embroidered by our Shells of Aquarius seamstress, in the Clearwater, Fl area.


An embroidered 18x18 inch Dark Blue Linen napkin with a filled Seahorse design # 102...... $3.50

Damask style embroidered Dark Blue Napkin with a White Seahorse Design

Machine embroidered Dark Blue linen 18 x 18 inch napkin. All designs are embroidered by our Shells of Aquarius seamstress, in the Clearwater, Fl area.

Damask is a weaving style or technique that originated in the early Middle Ages near Damascus, Syria. This particular style typically produced very ornate and decorative patterns in the fabric. These types of patterns are wonderful to use in a design that needs to have a vintage or ornate look.


A Damask style embroidered 18x18 inch Dark Blue Linen napkin with a white Seahorse design # 103...... $3.50


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