Your shipping rate is an estimate based on estimated product & package weight. Sometimes the computer over estimates the shipping cost and on occasion it can under estimate. When your order is packaged and the actual shipping cost is calculated you will be charged the true cost. Any excess freight charges will be refunded when your order is shipped. We now ship internationally. We use UPS & FEDEX only for international shipping Thank you for interest in Shells of Aquarius. Dan & Jeri Ann.

Shell Mirrors and Picture Frames

White Cockle Heart Mirror


One Hand Crafted White Cockle Shell Mirror 16 x 17 inch (size is overall measurement of mirror frame).......$32.25

Hand Crafted Round Shell Mirror


A Hand Crafted Round Shell Mirror Diameter 15 inch (size of mirror frame)......OUT OF STOCK

Square or Diamond Shape Shell Mirror


One Hand Crafted Square or Diamond shape Mirror 6 1/2 x 6 1/2 inch (size of mirror frame)...... $8.10

Cup Shell Mirror


A Hand Crafted Cup Shell Mirror all white 9 1/2 x 7 1/2 inch (size of mirror frame)......$12.65


A Hand Crafted Cup Shell Mirror all white 6 x 8 inch (size of mirror frame)...... $11.25

White Cockle Shell Mirror


One Hand Crafted White Cockle Shell Picture Frame all white 9 x 7 inch (picture size is 3x5") OUT OF STOCK

Sea Urchin Picture Frame


A Hand Crafted Sea Urchin Spines Picture Frame measuring 7 X 9 inch (size of mirror frame)(holds 5 x 7 picture)...... $16.95

Paua Picture Frame

The frame is composed of carved segments from the Paua Abalone shell


One Hand Crafted Paua Picture Frame measuring 5 1/2 X 7 inches (size of mirror frame)(holds 3 x 5 picture)...... $28


One Hand Crafted Paua Picture Frame 7 X 9 inch (size of mirror frame)(holds 5 x 7 picture)...... $34.49

Brownlip Picture Frame

The frame is composed of carved segments from the Brownlip Oyster shell


One Hand Crafted Brownlip Picture Frame 5 1/2 X 7 inch (size of mirror frame)(holds 3 x 5 picture)...... $14


One Hand Crafted Brownlip Picture measures Frame 7 x 9 inches (Holds 5"x7" Picture )....$14

Troca Shell Picture Frame

The frame is composed of carved segments from the Troca shell


One Hand Crafted Troca Picture Frame 5 1/2 X 7 inch (size of mirror frame)(holds 3 x 5 picture)...... $30.95


One Hand Crafted Troca Picture Frame 7 x 9 inch,(holds 5 x 7 picture)....$40.95

Brownlip/Paua Double Frame Picture Frame with Mother of Pearl Inlay

p>The frame is composed of carved segments from the Brownlip Oyster, Paua Abalone and Mother of Pearl shell


One Hand Crafted Picture frame composed of carved segments from the Brownlip Oyster, Paua Abalone and Mother of Pearl shell 6 1/2 X 4 1/2 inch (size of mirror frame)(each side holds 2 x 3 picture)...... $5.95