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Moon Shells

These shells are distributed globally, predominantly in tropical regions, but some have also been discovered in the Arctic. They feature a half-moon aperture—the opening at the front end of gastropod shells. The shells are hard and have a spherical shape.

Moon Shells are carnivorous, spending the majority of their lives burrowing through sand in search of clams and smaller snails. This family of shells is known for drilling holes into its prey and consuming the molluscan inhabitant while it's still alive. The shell's foot is substantial, enveloping much of the shell itself.

The genus Naticarius, a member of the snail shell family, comprises over 100 species.

Nautica Lineata

Nautica Lineata

The Nautica Lineata is a member of the Naticidae shell family. These gastropods feature a short spire and an oval body. The outer body, or whorl, is lined, which is why they are commonly referred to as the lined moon shell. Their habitat spans the Indo-Pacific region, from the Indian Ocean eastward to the northern coasts of Australia, New Zealand, and the southern Sea of Japan. They are relatively common within their range.


One Nautica Lineata shell measuring 3/4 and 1 inch. ...... .06

White Nautica Shells

White Nautica Shells

The White Nautica is a member of the Naticidae family, characterized by gastropods with a short spire and an oval body. The outer body, or whorl, features distinctive lines, earning it the nickname 'lined moon shell.' This species is distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific, extending from the Indian Ocean to the northern coasts of Australia, New Zealand, and the southern Japanese Sea. They are relatively common within their range.


One White Nautica Shell, measuring 3/4 to 1 inch. ...... .07

Nautica Tigrina Shell

Nautica Tigrina Shells


One Nautica Tigrina shell measuring 1/2 to 1 inch. ...... .13


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