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Moon Shells

These shells are found worldwide, most in the tropics but a few have been found in the Arctic. They have a one half moon aperture (the opening at the front end of gastropod shells). The shell is hard and spherical shaped.

They are carnivorous, spending most of their lives digging thru sand, searching for clams and smaller snails. This family of shells drills a hole in its prey and devours the molluscan inhabitant alive. The shell's foot is large and covers much of the shell

There are more than 100 species belonging to the snail family of shells. Genus: Naticarius.

Moon Shell Scallops

Moon Shell Scallops

Moon Shell Scallops do not belong to the Moon Shell family. Scallops are bivalves, whereas Moon Shells are gastropods. A scallop consists of a paired upper and lower shell. We offer these scallops as single pieces without the matching halves.


One Brown Moon Shell Scallop, measuring 2 to 3 inches. ..... .12


One single White Moon Shell Scallop, measuring 2 to 3 inches..... .17


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