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Epitonium Scarlare a popular collector shell

Epitonium Scarlare Shell   10/23/13

Epitonium Scalare Shell

Epitonium scalare, common name the precious wentletrap, is a predatory or ectoparasitic species of marine gastropod with an operculum, in the family Epitoniidae, the wentletraps(REF: Epitonium scalare (Linnaeus, 1758) The Precious Wentletrap").

These species are found in the Red Sea, in the Indian Ocean along Madagascar and South Africa, in the South West Pacific Ocean and along Fiji Islands and Japan.

They dwell in sandy subtidal zones.

Adult shells grow on average between 1 to 3 inches

The shell of Epitonium scalare has sculpture consisting of raised ribs that are known as costae

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Gastropoda

(unranked): clade Caenogastropoda

clade Hypsogastropoda

informal group Ptenoglossa

Super family: Epitonioidea

Family: Epitoniidae

Genus: Epitonium

Species: E. scalare

Binomial name: Epitonium Scalare


One Epitonium Scalare shell 5/8 to 2 inches...... OUT OF STOCK


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