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  • Distorsios's belong to the Ranellidae family. They are gastropods. Distorsios shells are noted for their bizarre shapes. The aperture is constricted by well developed teeth and folds; the body whorl is distorted. Some have a densely hairy periostracum when first captured. These shells have a then corneous operculum.

  • Distorsios Anus shell   10/17/13

    Distorsios Anus

    Distorsio anus, common name the common distorsio, is a species of medium-sized sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Personidae, the Distortio snails.

    The size of the shell varies between 1 1/3 to 4 inches.

    These marine species are found in the Red Sea and in the Indo-Pacific (Tanzania, Madagascar, the Mascarene Basin, Mauritius)

    Distorsios Anus shell. Family Ranellidae. They are gastropods. Often called the Common Distorsio. Its apex is deformed and sometimes broken off. Spiral rows of smooth tubercles and nodules cover all whorls. Apertural side almost covered by broad glossy shield with sharp edges. Its underlying tubercles and teeth show through. The shell's color is cream with brown spiral bands. This species is the largest of the Distorsios shells.

    Scientific classification

    Domain: Eukaryota

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Mollusca

    Class: Gastropoda

    Subclass: Caenogastropoda

    Order: Littorinimorpha

    Super family: Tonnoidea

    Family: Personidae

    Genus: Distorsio

    Species: D. anus

    Binomial name: Distorsio anus


    One Distorsios Anus shell measuring 1 1/2 to 2 1/4 inches ...... .75


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