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Delphinula Shells   10/17/13

Delphinula Shells

Family: Turbinidae. Species also called Dolphin Shells. These are solid highly variable shells with a large body whorl and flattened spire. The umbilicus is wide and deep, suture of upper whorls scarcely perceptible. A row of flattened, curved spines. It has spiral bands of olive-green and red. Shell opening is about 1 1/4 inch. During the 19th century these were considered rare shells. Today, they are not rare but not in large abundance. This species inhabits coral reefs found across the Indo-Pacific region; especially near the Philippines.


One Delphinula Shell measuring between 1 and 2 1/4 inches......... .09

Red Delphinulus 10/17/13

Red Delphinulus Shells

Family. Turbinidae. This species is also found in the Indo-Pacific region from the Indian Ocean east to the northern Australian/New Zealand Shores. Found near coral reefs. Not a rare species. Shell opening about 1 1/4 inch.


One Red Delphinulus Shell, measuring 1 to 2 inches...... .59

Angaria Delphinula   10/17/13

Angaria Delphinula

Angaria delphinus, common name the common delphinula, is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusc of the family Angariidae.

The shell of this species is variable in degree of sculpture, depending on how exposed or sheltered the environment is in which the snail lives. These different forms are called ecomorphs. The shells can grow up to 3 inches.

This shell is sometimes called Victor Dan's Delphinula.

The Angaria Delphinula is a solid shell with a large body whorl and a short spire, the base of body whorl is flat.

The shell has thin spines at the periphery of whorls.

The umbilicus is encircled by a double row of short spines.

Its color is pinkish orange with green highlights, the basal ribs are whitish.

The Angaria Delphinula are found in shallow intertidal waters, usually on rocky shorelines and in reef flats.

They are native to the Central Indo-Pacific, from Northern Australia and New Caledonia across to Japan, Southeast Asia, and the Andaman Sea.

They are not considered rare.

Scientific classification

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Gastropoda

Subclass: Vetigastropoda

Order: Trochida

Super family: Trochoidea

Family: Angariidae

Genus: Angaria

Species: A. delphinus

Binomial name: Angaria Delphinus


One Angaria Delphinula shell, measuring approximately 2 inches....… $2.80

Pearl Delphinula   10/17/13

Pearl Delphinula

Polished to its inner pearlized layer.


A Pearl Delphinula Shell, measuring 1.5 to 2 inches.... .35


One Pearl Delphinula Shell, measuring at least 2 inches..... .42


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