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Gold Cut Mother of Pearl


A Gold Cut Mother of Pearl, which measures 3.5 to 4 inches with a 1.5 inch round hole. This type of Mother of Pearl is often used for jewelry making and other decorative purposes.

..... $5.00

Cut Mother of Pearl


Cut Mother of Pearl 3 1/2 to 4 inch with drilled holes at tips....OUT OF STOCK

Gold Cut Mother of Pearl


A Gold Cut Mother of Pearl piece that measures 3.5 to 4 inches with a small drilled hole. These pieces are often used for jewelry making and other crafts........ $6.89

Gold Cut Mother of Pearl Heart


A 1-inch Gold Cut Mother of Pearl Heart with a small, drilled hole would make a lovely pendant or charm. Its a great piece for creating a necklace, bracelet, or something else, just use your imagination........ .75

Gold Cut Mother of Pearl Stick


A 2-inch gold cut Mother of Pearl stick for jewelry making. These materials can add a beautiful and unique touch to your creations. .... .35

Cut Gold Mother of Pearl Heart


A cut Gold Mother of Pearl heart measuring 1/2 inch. It can add a touch of elegance and uniqueness to your creations. ..... .10

White Round Mother of Pearl Cut Piece


A white round Mother of Pearl cut piece measuring 1/2 inch These are beautiful and versatile pieces for jewelry making. They can be a stunning addition to various designs, from earrings to pendants. ....... .35

Gold Double Dolphin Charm


A 1-inch gold double dolphin charm for jewelry making Its a beautiful accent for multiple creations, just use your imagination........ .75

MOP Cuts Drilled for Earrings

Mother of Pearl Cuts Drilled for Earrings


Two matching sets of cut Mother of Pearl, drilled for earrings. Cuts measure 1 inch...... .75