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Hand Crafted Shell Lamps and Shades

Lighthouse Lamp Shade

Lighthouse Lamp Shade with embroidered lighthouse scene. Size is 9 inches across top, 10 inches down and 10 inches across the bottom. This the highest quality prema vira off-white fabric on styrene

LHLS 5202

A 10 inch hand crafted embroidered Lighthouse Lampshade.....$39.95

Completely wired shell lamp with a 3 way switch

Completely wired shell lamp with a 3 way switch. The lamp is composed of Amber colored sea glass mixed with clear and frosted sea glass. The glass is a hurricane chimney shape. It has a sprinkling of white seashell mix. The base is wooden. Size is 12 inches from base socket. We make the shell lamps from our selected shell supply. The shells and the starfish can vary.

AmberSGSLnoshade 5211

A 12 inch Amber seashell lamp with white shell mix...$39.95

Completely wired shell lamp with a 3 way switch

The lamp is a mix of emerald, clear and frosted sea glass, with variety of white shells and a white starfish. The glass is a hurricane chimney shape. The base is wooden. Size is 12 inches from base to socket. We make the shell lamps from our selected shell supply. The white shell mix and the starfish can vary.


A 12 inch Emerald sea glass Lamp with white shell mix, completely wired.....$39.95

Completely wired shell lamp with a 3 way switch

The lamp is a mix of Blue, Clear and Frosted sea glass, with variety of white shells and a white starfish. The glass is a hurricane chimney shape. The base is wooden. Size is 12 inches from base to socket. We make the shell lamps from our selected shell supply. The white shell mix and the starfish can vary.

BluSGSnoshade 5220

One 12 inch Blue Sea Glass with White shell mix lamp, completely wired.....$39.95

wired shell lamp with a 3 way switch

The lamp is a mix of our shells. The glass is a hurricane chimney shape. The base is wooden. Size is 12 inches from base to socket. We make the shell lamps from our selected shell supply. The shell mix and the starfish type will vary. Every lamp is unique to itself.

MxdshlsSLnoshade 5224

One 12 inch Mixed Sea shell lamp, completely wired ......$39.95

Completely wired lamp with a 3 way switch

Let your imagination guide you when deciding what to fill the lamp with. The glass is a hurricane chimney shape. The base is wooden. Size is 12 inches from base to socket.

EmptyLMPnoshade 5222

One 12 inch Empty lamp, completely wired with 3 way switch.....$29.95