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Dolphins Carved from Luhanus Shells for Jewelry Crafting


A dolphin carved from a Luhanus shell measuring 1/2 to .75 inches is a unique and delicate piece perfect for jewelry crafting. These small carvings are often used to create beautiful and intricate jewelry items, adding a touch of marine elegance to your designs........ .29

Seahorses Carved from Luhanus Shells for Jewelry Crafting


A seahorse carved from Luhanus shells measuring 1/2 to .75 inches. This is a beautiful and unique piece for jewelry crafting. These intricate carvings are perfect for adding a touch of marine elegance to your creations. ....... .29

Elephant Carved from Luhanus Shells for Jewelry Crafting

One 1/2 to 3/4 inch Elephant Carved from Luhanus Shells for Jewelry Crafting....... .35


An elephant carved from Luhanus shells measuring 1/2 to .75 inches is an elegant piece for jewelry crafting........ .29

Whale Carved from Luhanus Shells for Jewelry Crafting


A whale carved from Luhanus shells measuring 1/2 to .75 inches These make a stunning addition to any collection. ....... .29